Discover the Difference a Certified Financial Planner® Can Make in Your Financial Journey.

Your confident financial future is possible. Here’s how.


Keep your golden years golden with Abound Financial’s CFP® expertise.

Planning for your future isn’t just about stashing away money. It’s about making the most of life’s golden opportunities. That’s where a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ (CFP®) comes in, standing as a gold standard in financial planning.

Why Choose a CFP®?


Trust Beyond The Usual

When it comes to securing your future, a CFP® isn’t your average financial advisor. They have your back, bound by a strong code of ethics and unwavering commitment to you.

Unmatched Expertise

A CFP® is more than a title. It’s an assurance that your advisor has undergone a meticulous education process, accumulated thousands of hours of practical experience, and passed a challenging certification exam.

Personalized Care

Personalized Care

A CFP® doesn’t offer one-size-fits-all solutions. They provide tailor-made financial plans that align seamlessly with your goals and aspirations.

Unlock Your Brighter Tomorrow with CFP® Guidance


Unlock Early Retirement

With our CFP® professionals guiding your financial journey, you can gain the confidence and detailed roadmap needed to retire earlier, letting you enjoy the fruits of your labor sooner than you imagined.


Strategy to Optimized Cash Flow

Experienced financial planning can turn your current income into a workhorse that drives your future ambitions, making every dollar you earn work as diligently as you do for your financial well-being.

Strategic Philanthropy

Strategic Philanthropy

Elevate your giving to become more than just charitable donations. With strategic financial planning, your contributions make a significant impact, amplifying your altruistic reach and personal legacy.


Life Milestones

From buying your forever home to planning that dream family vacation, our CFP® professionals prepare you financially for life’s big moments, ensuring that you meet each milestone with financial confidence and security.

Emergency Planning

Be financially bulletproof against life’s unexpected curveballs. With our professional advice, you’ll have a robust safety net that ensures your lifestyle remains uninterrupted, come what may.

Three simple steps to managing a great retirement life

When you’re working, your focus is on the future. The future is now, and this is how you get there.


We Start Where You Are At

We’ll help sort out your current financial situation and assess what you need to do to make the retirement you want a reality. The process is personal and tailored to your dreams.


We Design A Game Plan

We’ll map your suitable path forward. Whether it’s personalized financial planning or simplified investment services – we will help you figure out what is best for you.


We Review it Regularly

Planning plus results equal performance. We’ll determine what needs to be done, and then get it done for you. Then we assess our progress toward your goals to make sure we’re on track.



Is Investing in a CFP® Really Worth It?

Let’s cut to the chase. When it comes to the golden years of your life, only gold will do. With our CFP® advisors, you don’t just get a plan—you get a dedicated ally that elevates your financial game. If you’re aiming for a future that feels like a lifelong victory lap, then yes, a CFP® is unquestionably worth it.

Turn Financial Fears into Future-Ready Confidence

What’s Keeping You Up at Night?

Is your financial plan robust enough to give you the worry-free retirement you deserve? Our CFP® professionals specialize in turning those restless nights into restful futures by strategically aligning your finances.

Struggling to Find Trustworthy Guidance?

Do you feel overwhelmed trying to pick the right financial advisor? We simplify this crucial choice. Our Certified Financial Planner™ professionals adhere to the highest standards of ethics and education, so you can trust you’re making an empowered decision.

Are Your Concerns About Financial Security Real?

Confused by the sea of financial advice out there? Your concerns are valid. We provide a structured, yet personalized approach that transforms your financial worries into a secure plan for tomorrow.

The Difference a CFP Can Make

Meet the Certified Financial Planner (CFP) – a special breed of financial advisor. Unlike any regular advisor, a CFP is obligated to put you first, all the time. It’s not just a job title; it’s a commitment. They’ve gone through rigorous training, accumulated thousands of hours of professional experience, and passed a challenging exam – all so they can be the guide you deserve on your financial journey.

Find Your Future with a Certified Financial Planner™ in Granite Bay, CA

Unlock a Wealth of Possibilities Right in Your Hometown

Ever feel like your financial dreams are just that – dreams? You’re not alone, but help is closer than you think. At Abound Financial, our local Certified Financial Planner™ professionals are right here in Granite Bay, CA to guide you to a future you can feel good about.

Certified Financial Planner (CFP®)

Some of our professionals are certified for financial planning services in the United States by Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. (“CFP Board”). The CFP® certification is voluntary. No federal or state law or regulation requires financial planners to hold the CFP® certification. You may find more information about the CFP® certification at CFP® professionals have met CFP Board’s high standards for education, examination, experience, and ethics.

To become a CFP® professional, an individual must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Education – Earn a bachelor’s degree or higher from an accredited college or university and complete CFP Board-approved coursework at a college or university through a CFP Board Registered Program. The coursework covers the financial planning subject areas CFP Board has determined are necessary for the competent and professional delivery of financial planning services, as well as a comprehensive financial plan development capstone course. A candidate may satisfy some of the coursework requirement through other qualifying credentials.
  • Examination – Pass the comprehensive CFP® Certification Examination. The examination is designed to assess an individual’s ability to integrate and apply a broad base of financial planning knowledge in the context of real-life financial planning situations.
  • Experience – Complete 6,000 hours of professional experience related to the personal financial planning process, or 4,000 hours of apprenticeship experience that meets additional requirements.
  • Ethics – Satisfy the Fitness Standards for Candidates for CFP® Certification and Former CFP® Professionals Seeking Reinstatement and agree to be bound by CFP Board’s Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct (“Code and Standards”), which sets forth the ethical and practice standards for CFP® professionals.

Individuals who become certified must complete the following ongoing education and ethics requirements to remain certified and maintain the right to continue to use the CFP Board Certification Marks:

  • Ethics – Commit to complying with CFP Board’s Code and Standards. This includes a commitment to CFP Board, as part of the certification, to act as a fiduciary, and therefore, act in the best interests of the client, at all times when providing financial advice and financial planning. CFP Board may sanction a CFP® professional who does not abide by this commitment, but CFP Board does not guarantee a CFP® professional’s services. A client who seeks a similar commitment should obtain a written engagement that includes a fiduciary obligation to the client.
  • Continuing Education – Complete 30 hours of continuing education every two years to maintain competence, demonstrate specified levels of knowledge, skills, and abilities, and keep up with developments in financial planning. Two of the hours must address the Code and Standards.

Chartered Financial Consultant® (ChFC®)

The ChFC® designation is offered by The American College. Designation holders are required to serve clients with the highest level of professionalism. The authority to use the ChFC® mark is granted by the Certification Committee of the Board of Trustees of The American College, and that privilege is contingent on adherence to strict ethical guidelines. All ChFC® advisors are required to do the same for clients that they would do for themselves in similar circumstances, the standard of ethical behavior most beneficial for their clients. Each ChFC® has taken 9 or more college-level courses on all aspects of financial planning. The average study time for the program is over 400 hours, and advisors frequently spend years earning this coveted distinction. Each ChFC® must also complete a minimum of 30 hours of continuing education every two years and must meet extensive experience requirements to ensure that you get the professional financial advice you need.

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